Research, Surveys and Insights

Bending Oak Permaculture Farm Survey

Bending Oak Permaculture Farm wants to hear from you! We are looking for your feedback to continue to improve our offerings and enhance your experience with us. Your participation in this 3-minute survey is greatly appreciated! Responses will not be shared publicly. 


Bending Oak
Age Range
How did you hear about Bending Oak Permaculture Farm?
Did you visit Bending Oak Farm in 2023?
What was the reason for your visit?
choose all that apply
Were you aware of Permaculture before your visit?
1 (poor), 10 (excellent)
After your visit, did you get a better understanding of Permaculture?
How likely are you to visit Bending Oak again in 2024?
If you plan on visiting Bending Oak in 2024, what is the purpose?
choose all that apply
How likely are you to recommend our 72-hour Permaculture Design Certificate Course?
Was there a specific reason you were unable to visit us in 2023?
How likely are you to visit Bending Oak in 2024?
If very or somewhat likely, what do you expect the reason for your visit will be?
choose all that apply
Which of the following would make you more interested in visiting Bending Oak?
choose all that apply
0 of 250 max characters


Thank you!